Calling all bird, wildlife & nature lovers: Join Penn Birding!

Penn Birding is a community at the University of Pennsylvania for birders and birdwatchers at all levels of experience to support each other in learning about birds and developing our birding skills. Fill out our membership form here. We need volunteers!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Checklist: Mindfulness Bird Walk at Heinz NWR

In early December, Penn Birders went to Heinz NWR for a mindfulness bird walk led by a Heinz volunteer.

Here's a checklist of birds we saw:
Canada Goose50------------
Mute Swan3------------
Tundra Swan1------------
Northern Shoveler60------------
American Wigeon2------------
Northern Pintail20------------
Green-winged Teal25------------
Hooded Merganser20------------
Common Merganser7------------
Ruddy Duck6------------
Double-crested Cormorant1------------
Great Blue Heron4------------
American Coot10------------
Ring-billed Gull5------------
Herring Gull6------------
gull sp.5------------
Belted Kingfisher1------------
Red-bellied Woodpecker1------------
Downy Woodpecker5------------
American Crow2------------
Carolina Chickadee1------------
Carolina Wren2------------
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher1------------
Ruby-crowned Kinglet1------------
White-throated Sparrow3------------
Song Sparrow1------------
Northern Cardinal3------------
House Finch1------------